Conqueror you are, and conqueror you will always be in Christ! Victory is the state of being over and above life’s circumstances such that you dictate the pace of happenings in your life. Victory is being the head always and
Living Victoriously in Christ
Someone may ask, “Is it possible to live victoriously at all times?” Well, the answer is an emphatic “Yes!” The opening Scripture tells us that living victoriously always is possible and a reality in Christ. In fact, God’s desire for
How the Word Works
The Word has its unique way of expressing itself. Everyone who truly seeks to work the Word must work it the Word’s way. Faith is the Word’s way of expressing itself. Our opening Scripture tells us that through faith, we
The Word: Healer
The Word is the healer today. We are healed and restored to soundness and vitality by the Word. Many of God’s children think healing is a difficult thing to receive. No, it is not. Healing is children’s bread. If you
The Word Sanctifies
To sanctify is to consecrate, to set aside for sacred use, and to purify. The Word has sanctifying power to sanctify from filth and everything that corrupts. We are in the world, but we are not of the world. The
The Word Inspires Faith in Us
The Word is the mother of faith. Faith comes by the Word. When the Word is preached, then it can be heard, and when it is heard, then it can be believed. Truly, faith comes by hearing, and hearing by
The Word Is Immutable
Immutability is the quality of being constant, unchangeable, or eternal. The Word is immutable. It is unchangeable. It abides forever and remains ever reliable and trustworthy. Jesus is the living Word; He is the unchangeable, eternal, immortal, and everlasting Word
The Indwelt Word
We are meant to be indwelt by the Word. The Word ought to live and abide in us richly and abundantly unto overflowing. That’s God’s software that ought to run in us consistently. We are to run on the Word
The Sent Word
Our opening Scripture tells us of the power of the sent Word. It says God sent His Word and healed the oppressed and delivered them from their destructions. What is the sent Word? It is God’s response to the cry
The Life of the Word Gives Light
Our opening Scripture reveals a profound statement made by the Lord Jesus Christ. He said, I am the light of the world, he that follows me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. What life