Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.
For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.
Nothing cripples faith and puts the believer in bondage more quickly and surely than underestimating what Christ is, and what we are in Him. That is underestimating the Word. Jesus Christ is the living Word. When He and His substitutionary work are underestimated, the Word is underestimated. Understand that the Lordship of Jesus over us is the lordship of the Word; for He and the Word are one, He is the living Word. Having said that you believe the Word, don’t again turn to the arm of flesh for help, for that is underestimating the Word. That is underestimating the integrity of the Master Himself, who is the Author of the Word. When faith is reposed in the Word, it is seen as faith reposed in Jesus. You don’t trust in Jesus and then vacillate, no! Jesus Christ is the surety of the New Covenant. So, when you trust in Him, He sees to it that you are not let down; for He is the surety of every provision and promise in the New Testament. Hallelujah! Underestimating Jesus leads to weakness, to doubt and fear.
To not underestimate Christ is to realize what Christ has done in His substitutionary work and take it at face value. You are to meditate on the fact that all that Jesus did and paid for in His substitution is yours for the taking. Now, you are a partaker of the divine nature; you have in you Christ’s faith nature; therefore, you are a child of faith. You have been born by the living Word through the Holy Spirit. The real you was recreated in Christ and you have the very nature of the Father, and He is love. So, you are a love being. You have been delivered from the power of darkness and have been translated into the kingdom of God’s dear Son, Jesus Christ; therefore, Satan has lost his power over you. You have been redeemed from Satan’s dominion. When you know in your heart that you are what God says you are, then you act in the face of all, confessing what He has done for you and what He has done in you, and what He is to you. That glorifies God! Hallelujah!
In the Name of Jesus Christ, I declare that I am what God says I am; I have what God says I have, and I can do what God says I can do. I act in line with the Word in the light of what Christ has done for me. I declare that I am more than a conqueror! Hallelujah!!! Amen.
Further Meditation: Ephesians 1:7; Colossians 1:13-14.