But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit.
For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.
Our union with Christ is the basis of our relationship with God; it is the foundation of experiencing and enjoying everything that Christ has made available to us by reason of His finished work as our Substitute. It is paramount to understand that our fellowship with the Father and His Son Jesus Christ is premised on our union with Christ.
The opening verse tells us that everyone that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit with Him, which means that everyone that is born again is in union with Christ, and by that union we are one with God. Oneness with Christ is threefold: identification, new birth and fellowship with God. When Christ Jesus died on the Cross, He did that as our Substitute; He took our place in order that we might take His place.
So, for anyone to get saved, they must identify with Jesus Christ, their Substitute by faith. This means that they repent of their sins, believe that Jesus died for their sins, and believe that He was raised from death for their justification, and confess Jesus as Lord. That’s what it means to identify with Jesus Christ. It’s an act of faith which involves the heart in believing and the mouth in confessing the risen Lord, Christ Jesus. The result of identifying with Christ is salvation, new birth.
When a sinner identifies with Jesus Christ as his risen Lord from death, he becomes a new creature. 2 Corinthians 5:17 tells us that if any man be in Christ, they become a new creation; the old is gone and the new has come. Getting born again, or getting recreated within, or becoming a new creature simply means that a new man emerges from within, a brand-new man is born again.
This new man is born in the likeness and semblance of God (Ephesians 4:24); he has capacity to fellowship with God. This new man is a lover of God. Through the Word and the Spirit, the new man fellowships with God.
Fellowship is the height of oneness with God. So, the unbeliever identifies with Christ by faith to be saved, to become a new creature; and having become a new creature, he then leverages on the knowledge of the Word and the strength of the Spirit to fellowship with God. Indeed, our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ. However, identification with Christ is not limited to just getting saved, it applies to effective Christian living in Christ.
In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I declare my total oneness with Christ in every ramification! I walk in fellowship with God in truth and verity according to the Word and the Spirit!
Further Meditation: Romans 6:23; 1 Peter 2:24.